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InsaneScouter - Guidelines For A Leader - Leaders Leader Tips
Guidelines For A Leader
Leader Tips
Always plan the meeting in advance. Write down your plan and share it with your assistant and Den Chief.
Keep the boys occupied at all times; not just with busy work, but with activities that fulfill the Purposes of Cub Scouting.
Be sharing with your criticism; generous with praise.
Be fair and consistent with discipline. Don't permit one boy to do something you would discipline another for doing.
Treat each boy as a very special individual.
Establish your rules and stick to them.
Begin and end meetings on time.
Set a good example by wearing your uniform.
Use the Cub Scout sign to get attention...don't shout or yell.
Give the boys a chance to let off steam. Plan den meetings to alternate quiet activities with active ones.
Be firm in a friendly way.
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