Scout at Camp


Setup: Scout or scouts hidden in background for voices.

Scoutmaster walks into camp and sees a Scout sitting near a tent, whittling on a stick.

Scoutmaster: Hey! Cool tent. Mind if I speak to him?

Scout : The tent doesn't talk.

 Scoutmaster: Hey, tent, how's it goin'?

Tent: Doin' alright.


 Scoutmaster: Is this your owner?



Tent: Yep

 Scoutmaster: How's he treat you?

Tent: Real good. He cleans me twice a day, takes his shoes off before he comes in, and leaves my flaps open during the day for fresh air.


 Scoutmaster: Mind if I talk to your backpack?

Scout: The backpack doesn't talk, either.

 Scoutmaster: Hey backpack, how's it going?

Backpack: Cool.


Scoutmaster: Is this your owner?



Backpack: Yep

 Scoutmaster: How's he treat you?

Backpack: Pretty good, thanks for asking. He checks me regularly, brushes the dirt off me often, and keeps me covered to protect me from the elements.


Scoutmaster: Mind if I talk to your pocketknife?

Scout:   Pocketknives lie!!