Scott Robertson

Kamp Knots Cartoon Contest

By: Posted On: 2010-12-16

“Knots” is a Scouting themed cartoon series created by artist Rich Diesslin. You can see the latest “Knots” cartoon at Rich has graciously agreed to donate one “Knots” comic book to InsaneScouter to give away as part of a contest.

To enter the contest all you have to do is share this message with your followers “Give the gift of laughter for xmas - Knots cartoons ... share for chance to win copy of book” and if I see your message, you may win a copy of the book. The winner will be picked Dec 24th. To help improve your chances, on twitter you should include @insanescouter and on facebook drop me a message so I know you shared the info.

You can learn more about the book or buy it at