Cents and Sense


Tonight we’ve focused on dollars and sense—not cents as in pennies, and nickels, and dimes—but sense as in common sense—sense, as insensibility and sensitivity. Let’s think about that for a moment.

We are all charged with the job of being good stewards—caretakers of what we are given. But let’s not let money become our goal. Money is a tool that helps us reach our goal and we shouldn’t abuse it. As we move forward in life, let’s remember that it isn’t money that counts, but how we use it.  Whether we are followers of Christian religion or not, the phrase from the New Testament still applies to all of us: “I was hungry and you gave me food to eat.”

We mustn’t forget that there are some who cannot take care of themselves and that it is our job in life to help take care of them. Do not hoard your money such that it becomes the thing that drives you.  Always be generous to others that are in need and you will be paid back many times over.