Holidays Around The World

CUB l: In India and Thailand, they celebrate the Festival of Lights, With little lamps or lotus boats that float into the night. [Boy carries a Lotus Boat of foil]

CUB 2: In Sweden, too, they honor Santa Lucia, Queen of Light The oldest girl will wear a crown with candles warm and bright. [St. Lucia crown or candle and greens.]

CUB 3: In Mexico, the children gather goodies from the floor, For they've broken the piñata filled with candy treats galore! [Piñata]

CUB 4: In Poland, on the table, under dishes they put straw, And they leave a chair that's empty for the Holiest child of all. [Hand full of straw or a small chair.]

CUB 5: In Holland, children fill their shoes with carrots and with straw In hopes "Black Pete" will substitute a gift for one and all. [Wooden shoes and/or carrots]

CUB 6: In Israel, the children play with a special top for a special day. [Dreidel]

CUB 7: In England, children hang a sock - one that doesn't have a hole! They hope it will hold presents and not a lump of coal! [Christmas stocking]

CUB 8: Let's Celebrate! Let's Celebrate! and learn of special ways that people all around the world celebrate their holidays! [Globe]