Camper's Prayer

Camper’s Prayer

God of the mountains and hills, make me tall and strong.
Tall enough and strong enough to right some wrong.
God of the stars, make me steadfast and sure.
God of every lake and stream, flow through my life and make it clean.

God of the trees and woods, keep me fresh and pure.
God of the rain, wash from my life all dirt and stain.
Pure and strong let me remain.

God of the seed and soil, plant in my heart Thy love.
God of the darkness and day, through shadows or light, be my stay.
Guide Thou my way.

God of the radiant sun, light Thou my life.
God of the glorious dawn, make each day a fresh start.
God of the evening peace and quiet, keep me free from fear and strive.
God of the carefree birds, sing in my heart.

God of the surging waves and sea, wide horizons give to me.
Help me to see the world as Thou would have it be.
God of the lovely rose, make me lovely, too.
God of the morning dew, each day my faith renew.
God of all growing things, keep me growing, too.