Banquet Quiz

How much do you know about Cub Scouting?  Can you answer the following questions?

1 Cub Scouting is ____ years old this month.

2 Scouting is ____ years old month.

3 _____________is the founder of Scouting.

4 ______ _________ started the Boy Scouts of America.

5. __________is the first rank in Cub Scouting.

6 (number) achievements are required to earn the Wolf badge.

7 _____electives are required to earn a gold arrow point.

8. There are _____ Webelos Activity Badges that can be earned.

9. The ______ __ ______ is the highest award in Cub Scouting.

10 We belong to Pack #______

11 We belong to Den #____

12 There are #_____ boys in our den.

13 ______ ________ is our Cubmaster.

14 Our pack is part of _______ District in  _______Council.

15 (for parents only) My son is working on his _____ rank.

16 (for boys only) I need only _____ more requirements to earn my next rank.

17 The Cub Scout motto is ___ __ ____!