The Rope Circle


MATERIALS: A 2-3 foot length of rope or heavy cord for each Cub Scout.

CUBMASTER: We have seen tonight that we are all geniuses in our own right.

It makes you mighty proud, doesn't it? We should all be proud of our accomplishments and abilities.

We should never forget, though, that we all depend on other people and our greatness does not come out until we can be great with and for other people.

Would all Cub Scouts come and make a circle. Take a piece of rope, each of you, and tie it to the rope of the person on your left with a square knot. (The boys do this). Joining with other people makes you a better and stronger person.

Hold the rope with your left hand and make the Cub Scout sign with your right hand. Then we'll say the Cub Scout Promise together and pledge ourselves again to the ideals of Cub Scouting.